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Lost Highway Folk Evening
A standing ovation, calls for more and everyone asking to have the group back ended the evening at the recent concert from Lost Highway...
Quiz Night @ Jubilee Hall - Norton In Hales
Tuesday 19th March at 7:15PM FREE FOOD AND WINE! Arrive 7:15PM for a 7:30PM Start 7:30 - 8:00: Presentation - What is the Three Parishes...

Between You and Me: A fantastic evening
Ian McMillan, the ‘Barnsley Poet’, playwright, journalist and broadcaster, was joined by musician and song writer Luke Carver Goss (from...

2nd Oct @ 7:30PM - Celebration Evening
The Norton in Hales Parish Council’s annual ‘Celebration Evening’ will be held in the Jubilee Hall on Tuesday, 2 October, at 7.30pm. The...

23rd Nov @ 7:30PM - Between You and Me
#events #JubileeHall

Annual Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Show
#events #JubileeHall #annualshow

1st August @ 7:30PM - WI Prosecco Party
Mucklestone WI are having a Prosecco Party at the Jubilee Hall on Wednesday, 1st August 7.30 pm. There will be entertainment from Pat...

14th Apr @ 7:30PM - Breeze & Wilson Band
Harmonically rich, musically and lyrically diverse, they invite comparison to Simon and Garfunkel, Seals & Crofts, and fellow countrymen...

Christmas Craft Fair Success!
On November 18th our very own Jubilee Hall was turned into a Christmas craft fair, allowing for new and familiar faces to show off the...

Christmas Craft Fair - November 18th at Jubilee Hall
Come and join us for some Christmas shopping! Looking for local handmade gifts? Lots of stalls selling - handmade crafts, soft...
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