New Bellringers Welcome!

As readers will see below, we are a small but enthusiastic band who ring typically just for a half-hour each Sunday, plus the occasional wedding. We are always keen to encourage villagers new or old to help us to maintain this important village tradition. It takes from around 6 to 10 teaching sessions to “learn the ropes”. Of course we can’t all be there every Sunday – so a few more ringers would help to share the load. It’s great fun and actually helps to keep you fit too!
If you’re interested to give it a go, contact Dick or Sue Walton on 01630 654734, or e-mail us at

Norton’s Church bells fell silent for 3 weeks before Easter but are now fully operational again having undergone a substantial refurbishment. The bellringing team is pictured here along with a view of the restored bells.
We are a small but enthusiastic band of ringers who meet most Sundays at 10.45 a.m. for the regular 11.15 A.M. Sunday service. One of our members has been ringing for over 50 years, whilst others have joined more recently. We ring rounds and call changes and visiting ringers are very welcome to join us on a Sunday.
Visiting bands are also welcome to come and ring by prior arrangement (see contacts below). Because the church is in the centre of the village, there are some limitations on the frequency and duration of ringing. For example, quarter peals are encouraged, but full peal attempts are not permitted.
The bells A Church Inventory, made on May 3rd 1553, states that there were then “Three Great Bells and one Sanctus Bell” at Norton-in-Hales. Today, we are said to be the smallest tower in Shropshire to have 8 bells, with the tenor (the largest bell) weighing a little over 11 cwt. While most were cast or re-cast in the 1860s, the oldest (the 6th) dates back to around 1610 – almost 400 years old and still in use!

The carillon Most unusually for a small tower, the clock incorporates a carillon, installed in the 1860s. The carillon plays one of three tunes at three, six, nine and twelve o’ clock morning and evening every day. The tunes are “Home Sweet Home”, “There’s Nae Luck About The House” and “We Love The Place O’ God”. Westminster chimes are also played every quarter hour.