On Remembrance Sunday - November 11th- our Village bellringers will be ringing the bells at St Chad's from 10 am till the start of the Church Service at 10 50. The bells will be "half muffled"..that is to say, one "dong "is muted,the next one is open and clear. The effect is of an echo, and reminds us of the many lives lost during War and conflict. The ringers at St Chad's ring only half- muffled for special occasions ,so its worth making the effort to listen on that Sunday morning. 11 November 2018 at 11 am is the exact 100th anniversary (to the hour) of the ceasefire after World War One. You may also like to know that a special Beacon is being lit at 7pm at White House Farm, Loggerheads ( the highest point for miles around), preceded by a service at St Mary's Mucklestone commencing 6pm. Both are open to all. Interested? join us if you would like to learn to ring: just come any Sunday morning at 10 30 and see what goes on!